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25 Kibwe/Kingalu Road, Forest Hill Area, P.O. Box 6053, 67109 Morogoro, Tanzania

Since 2006, EAMCEF has been dedicated to conserving the Eastern Arc Mountains, a biodiversity hotspot home to some of the world’s rarest endemic plants and animals, including reptile species found nowhere else on Earth! These include the Usambara Two-horned Chameleon (Trioceros fuelleborni), Usambara Three-horned Chameleon (Trioceros deremensis), Nguru Pygmy Chameleon (Rhampholeon acuminatus), Mahenge Pygmy Chameleon (Rhampholeon spinosus), Uluguru One-horned Chameleon (Trioceros uluguruensis), Udzungwa Pygmy Chameleon (Rhampholeon moyeri), Eastern Arc Forest Gecko (Cnemaspis africana), Usambara Bush Viper (Atheris ceratophora), Montane Wolf Snake (Lycophidion uzungwense), Uluguru Forest Cobra (Naja cf. melanoleuca), Vibrant Matilda’s Horned Viper (Atheris matildae) and many more.

These reptiles are not just fascinating—they play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling insect populations and sustaining the food chain. Along with their habitats, they hold immense potential for ecotourism, creating economic opportunities for local communities while attracting researchers and nature enthusiasts from around the world.
However, their survival is under threat! Habitat loss and environmental changes put these incredible species at risk. Your support can make a difference! Let’s join forces to protect biodiversity, sustain livelihoods, and secure the future of these unique creatures.

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