You too can participate in conservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains
Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania

How can the Government of Tanzania and politicians engage
Within the EAMs, the government has set aside Protect Areas – forest nature reserve and national park. Management of these Areas require continuous support and increased budget allocation from the government. Some of the funds can be injected through EAMCEF to facilitate community-based conservation activities. Politicians can engage in conservation through ensuring that EAMs are out in their top agendas, as one of their priorities.

How can international communities engage
The EAMs are a critical ecosystem harboring diverse animal and plant species, the ecosystem’s potential through carbon sequestration contributes to the global efforts to reduce global warming. Our work through conservation of the Eastern rc Mountains has the potential to contribute significantly to the attainment of Global Goals – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Tanzania. The Global community can participate through voluntary contributions to the Endowment Fund and project support.

How can Development Partners engage
EAMCEF has long term experience in conserving the EAMs and in engaging communities in sustainable forest management and livelihood activities that would reduce direct dependency on forests. EAMCEF is a credible organization where both traditional and non-traditional donors can channel their funds through project support and contribution to the endowment fund.

How can Researchers, Scientists and Academia engage
The EAMs provides an ever-ending wilderness and an abundant of an unexplored site with unique diversity that requires in-depth scientific studies. The EAMs ecosystem is a unique site for nature-based practical studies. Researchers and students are encored to design studies and welcomed to explore the uniqueness and publish about it.

How can Private companies and individuals engage
The EAMs are a source of life – 25% of Tanzania’s population in upstream and downstream Regions of the EAMs depends on water from rivers fed by EAMs catchment areas. Includes water for industries and small and largescale agriculture. Private sectors using water for their industrial activities can contribute to the conservation efforts as part of corporate social responsibility or as payment for ecosystem services to ensure long-term sustainability of water services. The ecosystem provides opportunities for investments e.g. in the tourism industry.

How can Journalists and the media engage
Worldwide visibility of the EAMs is critical. The EAMs are a Global Centers of Biodiversity, with High Endemism of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and plants – all of which can enrich media contents. For environment-natural resource journalism the EAMs provides an endless story about the ecosystem and its services. A single post on social media, a single sentence on print media and multimedia is like ‘a shot in the arm’ for EAMs.

How can Tourists engage
The EAMs ecosystem is a unique safari destination providing endless tourism possibilities, from walking safaris to game drive, from daylight bird watching to might night reptile activities, from tall forests to wild flower gardens, from mountains peaks to hot water springs, amazing waterfalls to

How can Local communities engage
Local communities surrounding the EAMs are at the heart of our work, we employ participatory approaches in forest management and empower communities to undertake alternative livelihood activities that would help to reduce poverty and direct dependency of forest products. Local communities can participate in conservation of EAMs through adopting sustainable land management practices, water conservation techniques and participation in management activities of the Protected Areas.
We provide options for your participation to promote the biological diversity, ecological functions, and sustainable use of natural resources in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. You can Donate to EAMCEF, fundraise for EAMCEF, or educate about the importance of conserving the Eastern Arc Mountains.
Contact us using the form below for further discussion.